The proud parents
These are some of the words I have held on to today and know I will continue to throughout the next two weeks while we wait to go back to the doctor. They are again from The Valley of Vision; "God the All".
I am well pleased with Thy will, whatever it is,
or should be in all respects,
And if Thou bidst me decide for myself in any affair
I would choose to refer all to Thee,
for Thou art infinitely wise and cannot do amiss
as I am in danger of doing.
I rejoice to think that all things are at Thy disposal,
and it delights me to leave them there.
Then prayer turns to wholly praise,
and all I can do is to adore and bless Thee.
I can of myself do nothing to glorify Thy blessed name,
but I can through grace cheerfully surrender soul and body to Thee.
I can't even start to tell you how much I have prayed for you in the last few days. I was at my homeschool co-op yesterday and asked several of those ladies to pray too. We will continue to lift you up to the One that "gently leads those that have young". Our love to Micah and the boys!
Praying for your family and especially those two little ones. What an exciting time for you all! Thanks for sharing this with us.
whoops...i started saying 2 things...praying for you!! And praying that you would continue to rest in God as you wait on Him. Praying for your little ones, too! Talk to you soon.
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