The waiting time between our first appointment and first Ultrasound has been filled with much anticipation as all has seemed to be going well in the “I am very pregnant with all of the great symptoms” department. My favorite parts of this wait have been hearing Elijah quote Psalm 23 to the babies and receiving contentious care by Micah and Andrew extending to the babies as well.
This past week we went to NC for Micah to preach at an “opportunity for revival” service and spend some time with family. We had the privilege of meeting our new niece and nephew~ the soon to be adopted children of Micah’s brother and his wife. They are precious and we are so glad to welcome them into our family! It was a sweet time with everyone; rejoicing in the news of our pregnancy and time ~for me especially~ to hear from my husband about the glorious gospel from Romans 4-6 during the services. The boys sang Your Great Name together at one of the services and the words spoke straight to my heart.
On our last day, I wasn’t feeling so well and seemed to be having some pregnancy complications. Even though the van was completely packed, we decided instead of getting on the road, we needed to have things assessed. Long story short, we ended up at the ER for multiple tests. All tests were normal, praise God! This little detour did provide us with a huge bit of news, however… We saw TWINS! It was a surreal moment watching the Ultrasound gal measure and count the heartbeats of our two babies, growing strong. We felt reassured and humbled at more days with both our little ones.
God blessed us with safety on our ride home. Saturday evening I was having an even more scary pregnancy complication and called my Nurse Practioner in tears. I spent all day Sunday resting, praying, and truthfully, unable to speak. I confess my fearfulness over the past couple of days. It was partially a sinful fear and partially the feeling a mother desiring to protect her children. God heard all of my cries, petitions, and confessions of my lack of understanding and faith for hours. Micah was a precious husband and took care of the house, boys, dog, unpacking from our trip, getting meals, etc. so I could relax. This morning, I called my doctor's office per the NP to see if I could go in earlier since I was not scheduled until 4:00. Thankfully, they told us to come right away. Micah and I arrived and went in to the room. Honestly, I was prepared for bad news but praying for good. Nothing could have prepared me for the news we did receive, though. Not only did our babies have strong heartbeats, but in the first sac, she found two babies! Yes folks, we are having TRIPLETS~ two identical twins and one fraternal sibling. Apparently one baby was hiding during our ultrasound last week. They all are measuring well for this stage. Micah and I have been walking around in shock since then~ amazed at what the Lord has done. The boys were very excited to hear the news~ but a little concerned that they will have to give up their play room. Micah kindly warned them that we all will pretty much be giving up the whole house for these 3!
This is a very precarious time for our babies so we need continued prayers. There are more chances for complications with multiples (it is shocking to even type that word!) and we will be monitored very closely. With every week that goes by, the chances of our babies surviving goes up. This has indeed been an overwhelming, exciting time and we thank you all for continuing to share in it with us. You have to just all promise that you won’t look at us strangely, even if we might begin to resemble one of those crazy families you might see on TLC!

What a joyful and unexpected surprise! Congratulations and praise God! I pray that you don't have any more scares but are able to rest and rejoice for your growing children.
Tiffany,I am thrilled beyond words for you. Please know that I am praying for your family! Love you! Paula
I gasped! I was totally expecting the twins announcement, but very surprised at the triplets announcement! WOW! God bless you and please rest! Garnetta
Oh wow! Triplets! Amazing, Tiffany!! I'll definitely be praying for you, the boys, Micah and the babies! (((HUG)))
Congratulations! God works in amazing ways. I'm a fellow mom of triplets (identical boys and one girl), and I remember well the initial shock and amazement. Praying for you and your family as you begin this journey!
Wow. Congratulations. God is good.
No way!!!!! I might just have to come visit you when they are born to help take care of you!!! Amazing! We love you guys and are praying for you!
Oh wow! And I thought a twin pregnancy was scary! Congrats and God bless you as you walk down this amazing road.
If you haven't already, you might check out for another embryo adoption family who ended up with triplets from a two-embryo transfer.
Wow, Tiffany and Micah!! I am thrilled for you all. What glorious thing to have rescued these babies and then get more than you even hoped for . That's our God !!I will be praying for you all !! Love you, Karen
Oh my word~ that's amazing! I'm so excited for you! Praying for you and ALL of your babies!
That is amazing! We will be praying for all of you!
Such wonderful news! I am so happy for you all. I will be praying for you, the babies and your family on this journey.
Praising God with you for His THREE miracles! How exciting!
wow!! what an amazing post! praying for you all!
What a wonderful surprise! We will pray for continued health!
Congrats Tiffany and family, what a wonderful, exciting time. may God very richly bless you.
Gary and Cindy & family
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