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We are a family of fifteen: eight already with Jesus and seven in desperate need of Him. This is the story God is writing in our lives. Proverbs 16:9

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Help Our Unbelief!

One of my favorite quotes in the gospels comes from John 9. A father desperate for help for his son comes to Jesus. Jesus, knowing he can help says to the man, "All things are possible for one who believes". The man's response to Jesus resonates with me because of its honesty and spiritual self-awareness. He immediately cries out, "I believe; help my unbelief!"

This statement sums up this time in our lives. Last Sunday Micah and I put our children in a car (with Nana, of course) headed to NC and we traveled on a plane the next day to CA. Have you ever looked at those two states on the map? I had before, but never had they seemed so far from each other than on this day. Through my tears, I confessed: Lord, I believe You are the Sustainer of all our lives and will take care of my little ones; help my unbelief!

As we traveled by plane through Dallas to Orange County, CA: Lord, we are 35,000 feet up in the air over a part of Utah that looks like it couldn't possibly have a runway! I know you created gravity and this beautiful sky we now hang in inside a heavy hunk of metal and know if the pilots are well rested today; help my unbelief!

This is my only picture from the trip. I snapped it out the airplane window and then, my camera batteries gave out. Curiously, I had just replaced them. When we returned home and I added new ones, found closeups of my bedroom furniture at the end of the memory card... I think our little Elijah the photographer was the battery-using culprit!

Our time in California was productive. There are some exciting opportunities there! I also got to see my sister Amy and the place she now calls home. As we left our whirlwind of a trip I prayed: God, You have brought us here and provided for us through Chick-fil-a. We know You go before us and have all wisdom and insight into the questions that loom over us; help our unbelief!

And as we continue to move daily through uncertainties waiting on God's will for our lives: Lord, we know the plans You have for us are good and You are doing 1,000 things right now we cannot see; help our unbelief!

We are so thankful for family and friends who are enduring the craziness that is our life right now. Please pray for us- specifically that we will have wisdom in making decisions, for Chick-fil-a as they give us opportunities- or not, and that the boys transition to where ever we end up will be easy for them. We will continue to keep you updated!

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