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We are a family of fifteen: eight already with Jesus and seven in desperate need of Him. This is the story God is writing in our lives. Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Exciting News

After months of waiting on the Lord to give Micah direction about this fall, we finally have it in the form of a Louisville Cardinal! Micah found out yesterday that he was accepted into Graduate Studies in the History Department at the University of Louisville. Of course the boys and I are so proud of him. He has worked so diligently, especially getting ready for the GRE. He and I plowed through nights of geometry and algebra problems to make sure his math score was sufficient. He plans to focus on American History.

Even though he will be attending U of L, I don't think that either one of us will be able to pull for them over our favorite teams, the Carolina Tarheels and Duke Blue Devils respectively! We all pray that God continues to lead and give us wisdom from this point on. He has only given us reason to believe that He is for us and that He can be trusted.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Ode to Lucky Charms

This blog is really going to seem bizarre to our faithful regular readers. If this is your first time visiting us at joyinourjourney, please go back to previous blogs for more substance:)

With the current demands on our weekly budget, I have been getting more and more creative in how to stretch groceries. Last week, the large boxes of Lucky Charms were on sale and I had a coupon. I couldn't pass up the opportunity for the savings, even though it meant days of early morning sugar rushes. They have whole grain in them too of course! Who are the ones in the house most pleased with my choice? Andrew and Elijah of course!!! They love cereal for breakfast and a cup full for snack. I have to admit, I really like them too. I am most sympathetic to Andrew who wants to eat all the marshmallows first. I taught him quickly that mommy's method involves eating all the cereal first and leaving the marshmallows last!!! Hopefully next weeks sale will involve vitamin/fiber-packed, cardboard-tasting flakes and twigs to get us back on track:(

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

"Two" Birthdays

This blog may seem a little self-serving, but for me, it is an exercise in thankfulness. There are people on this planet I know who see birthdays as depressing. I must admit that the frequency in which they seem to be happening in my life causes some reflection, but I guess compared to the alternative, to not be celebrating a birthday, would mean that I would no longer be here!

I woke up this morning first to the sound of Micah's alarm and then to he and Andrew bringing me breakfast in bed. Not too long thereafter, I heard the sweet voice of Mom on the phone, then was greeted by Elijah smiling and ready for morning hugs. The remainder of the day was filled with calls from precious friends and family and an intimate celebration with good food and cake. I even had the pleasure of playing Mom-the referee, expert diaper-changer, and snack provider-extraordinaire. Micah was especially conscious to my needs and offered many opportunities for me to relax and feel loved and appreciated. At least for this day, the grace in being given breath and life was in the front of my mind. We spent the end of the day at the park playing baseball. Andrew and Elijah both are hitting the ball with the bat well for their ages. The weather was lovely.

In contrast, I was thinking about the One who made birthdays in Acts 17:24-25:

"The God who made that world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all mankind like and breath and everything. And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward Him and find Him. Yet He is actually not far from each one of us, for 'In Him we live and move and have our being.'"

Just as God made nations to rise and fall, He has given me 29 years of blessings on this earth. And as God is not the created but the Creator, He sustains my life. God is not like "unknown gods" but is faithful and true to His word. I pray I can keep this perspective throughout the next year.

The next morning, we began by waking Elijah quietly singing "Happy Birthday to You!" We had his pictures made that morning as well followed by a trip to ToysRUs. He was a little overwhelmed at all the kid stuff. We had a peaceful rest of the day, with naps for everyone and more cake of course! It was amazing- from the minute Elijah turned two, he seemed more aware and able to communicate more effectively. He added 10-20 new words to his vocabulary and was ready for less of an afternoon nap. Thankfully, he is still just as cuddly and affectionate as ever. I am hoping he doesn't grow out of that soon at all.

Having two birthdays back to back was nice. It made the week fun for all of us!